When you work for a company you do not need to worry about the work coming in. Usually you are overworked (at least in hi-tech). Occasionally I would hit a dry spell and then look around for things I could improve, such as initiating a project to update an online help (written before my time) that made it very hard to understand the application. Someone pointed me in the direction of an old tutorial, written for the antecedent of the product, which I could use as a base. I worked through the tutorial, learned the new product and updated the material to what is now in place. This became part of the online help, and also enabled me to improve the rest of the help.
Now I am independent. Theoretically, if the work comes in as anticipated I should have no free time (I have three long-term projects); but that isn’t the case in practice. Project #1 is inconsistent – sometimes a lot of work and other times nothing. Project #2 seems to have dried up. Project #3 is in the holiday season.
So what do I do? Look for new projects or try to see what’s happening in the current projects? At the moment I have taken the easy path, i.e., e-mailing my contacts at the three projects to get the material moving to me. I must become more proactive…